Our Campaign to Increase the Sentences for Stalkers

The Stalking Sentencing Bill second reading was postponed today (Friday 28 October) and will now have it's second reading on November 18. Alex Chalk, MP first introduced the Bill under the Ten Minute Rule on October 12 2016. He made a compelling case for change and we are proud to be working along side him, Richard Graham MP, Paladin ambassador Dr Ellie Aston and others campaigning for sentences to increase from five years to ten years for stalkers. We also led the campaign for sentencing guidelines, which we are pleased to say are now being developed, and we are working closely with the Sentencing Council on this.

More here: http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2016-17/stalkingsentencing.html

You can listen to brave Paladin ambassador Dr Ellie Aston's powerful BBC interview about her horrific eight year stalking ordeal and why the maximum sentence needs to increase.



Update on Law Reform in Northern Ireland


Momentum building: Justice Minister reviewing New stalking law