Choking Back Tears, Victim Graphically Described Rape By Harvey Weinstein In 2013 And His Deformed Testicles

Choking back tears, the victim graphically described rape by Harvey Weinstein in 2013.

Three of the five charges against Harvey Weinstein relate to the victim. She has not previously identified herself in public as an alleged victim of Weinstein, so I have made the decision not to identify her.

The young woman described how she had left home at 25 to follow her dream of becoming an actor in Los Angeles. She said she and her family were devoutly religious and that she had fallen out with her father about moving to Los Angeles.

At the end of 2012, beginning of 2013 she was introduced to Harvey Weinstein and she felt this was God blessing her. Weinstein volunteered to help her with her career. He picked out books about Hollywood for her and he invited her to dinner.

She met him at the Peninsular Hotel and as they were eating dinner people came up and said hello to him. Weinstein was getting agitated and asked to move to the hotel room. She agreed, she said, to make him feel more comfortable. Once up there, he wanted to give her a massage. The victim refused and he then told her to massage him.

She said that Weinstein made her feel stupid and made out that it wasn't a big deal, and so she reluctantly did it.

The victim said she “awkwardly” rubbed lotion into what she described as Weinstein’s blackhead-filled back, she said she expressed to him that she was not “sexual” or “comfortable with something like this” with people she didn’t know.

After this, she explained that Weinstein invited her to other industry events. She did meet him after he told he had a part for her and her friend in a Vampire movie. They met at an LA hotel and Harvey Weinstein asked to meet them in his hotel room.

Once there, Weinstein took the victim into the bedroom and performed oral sex on her. She said she feigned an orgasm to get him off her and complimented him to get out of there. She said she told her friend but she said she should continue to see him.

The victim said she felt confused after this and tried to continue an agreeable relationship with him, but he was degrading towards her.

She described how he urinated on her, that he wanted to film her, how he was deformed and had heavy scarring and how it looked like he had no testicles and a vagina. He said "You want to have this big fat Jewish dick" and coerced her to have a threesome.

She also said he had poor hygiene and the more she said no and fought him off, the angrier he became.

She likened Weinstein to “Jekyll and Hyde”, saying he could be charming in public but could become enraged when they were alone. She said 'no' was a trigger for him and she stayed with him partly out of fear.

The victim graphically described rape by Harvey Weinstein. She said that she agreed to meet him for a breakfast meeting in New York. He arrived early and checked into a room. She explained how he grabbed her by the arm and took her up to the room. He ordered her to strip and lie on the bed. She said he came out of the bathroom naked and forced himself on her.

When he was finished, she said she ran into the bathroom to try to compose herself. It was then that she saw a needle inside the bathroom trash. Later, she said she Googled the name and found out it was a penile injection.

She said she tried to stay on friendly terms with him as she feared angering him and that he had a fragile ego.

She testified she started seeing an actor and was scared to tell Weinstein due to how he would react. He had rules not to date people in the industry. He said as it was 'disrespectful.'

When she told him in person he became angry, saying she 'owed him one more time'.  She said his eyes went black, he ripped her clothes and raped her and again forced oral sex,

She said afterwards Weinstein apologised. He said he found her so attractive and couldn't resist. He asked if they were still friends. She said 'yes' and fled.

Joan Illuzzi-Orbon asked if she confronted Weinstein about the rape and she said no, she was too scared.

Donna Rotunno, when cross examining her, said that she had used Weinstein and that she overlooked what she found grotesque about him as she wanted what he could give to her.

"Correct," she responded.

Rotunno continued that the sexual encounters were consensual and that she interacted with Weinstein to get a part in one of his movies.

"The movie was important to my career," she said. "It would've made a life-altering difference in my career at that point."

As Weinstein was leaving court, a reporter asked what he thought about how the victim described his body.

"Wait to see what the lawyers say about her," he responded.Weinstein's lawyer will continue to cross examine the victim on Monday.

My Two Cents: The description of the relationship sounds like coercive control: a "Jekyll and Hyde" nature; charming one minute, angry the next; the rules and regulations that apply to her and not him; the sexual coercion (goes hand in hand with coercive control); breeding co-dependency, and fear; not taking no for an answer; erosion of boundaries; disrespecting what a woman wants and subjugating them to his rule and domination.

The victim's description of Weinstein's body and genitals is instructive: small penis syndrome; deformed genitals; excessive scarring and deformity; acne; the obsessive compulsion to dominate and psychologically undress and 'own' women (his right, his entitlement, in is mind); degrading women and coercing women to do things they don't want to - giving him a sense of power over them because he feels less than and sexually inadequate, he needs to conquer women, in an attempt to fill a void and quieten a deeply rooted insecurity.

For previous coverage click here


Rotunno Cross Examines The Victim And Says 'You Could Have Just Walked Away'


Three Witnesses Corroborate Victims Accounts