Use domestic abuse bill to stop serial perpetrators abusing multiple women, government urged

The Domestic Abuse Bill presents an opportunity to stop serial domestic violence perpetrators and stalkers abusing multiple women.

I have worked on many cases over the years and the same failures, same patterns repeat. The lessons are never learned.

When women and girls report the known men who abuse, terrorise, rape and stalk them more often they are not believed and the perpetrator's behaviour is left unchecked, despite the fact they may have abused multiple women.

In fact, even if a perpetrator abuses 3, 5 or 18 women, they are no more likely to go to go to prison than if they abuse one woman.

Women are being spectacularly failed every day. It is systemic failure and we need urgent law and culture change to focus on the perpetrator’s behaviour.

Abusive men’s histories must be joined up. It’s time to join the dots.

Serial murder, serial rape, stalking, terrorism and domestic violence murders would be prevented if abusive men’s violent histories were proactively joined up and if the women who reported them were listened to and taken seriously.

I strongly urge the Government to look at the evidence base of hundreds of women and girls who have been abused, terrorised, raped & murdered by serial domestic violence offenders and stalkers who were allowed to offend with impunity and ensure this important amendment is supported in the DA Bill. This will save lives and money.

Read the my July 2020 report "Terrorism Begins At Home: It's Time to Join the Dots"

Sign the petition here


Abusive Men's Histories Must Be Joined Up. It’s Time To Join The Dots.


Cross Party MPs and Select Committee Chairs Call For Serial and Serious Domestic Violence Perpetrators and Stalkers To Be Tracked To Prevent Further Abuse