Weinstein Defence Called First Witness Who Said He Had A "Sex Addiction"

Weinstein defence called first witness who said he had a "sex addiction." Paul Feldsher , a former talent agent and producer, testified that he has known Weinstein for more than 30 years and had been in touch with him regularly since 2017.

He also told the court that he'd been close friends with Annabella Sciorra in the 1990's and that he recalled a time when Annabella told him, "she'd done this crazy thing with Harvey" and Feldsher's understanding was that she meant, "she fooled around with him."

Feldsher was questioned about text messages he had sent to Weinstein from 2018 stating that he thought Weinstein was innocent and that Annabella was "full of shit" regarding the rape.

He wrote "I think the dog pile of actresses who are suddenly brave and recalling suppressed memories is hideous," Feldsher told Weinstein.

He also told the jury that Weinstein had a "voracious appetite for women," and  that it was his understanding that "Harvey had a sex addiction." 

Feldsher, who has a 13-year-old daughter, castigated Weinstein in a text message, "If a lot of these girls had been my daughter, I would have wanted to beat the shit out of you."

In another text message Feldsher wrote “I am loyal to you Harvey I will always have your back if you call on me. Honouring our agreement helps me know that you’ve got mine.” 

Feldsher testified that he had never witnessed Weinstein being inappropriate with a woman and that he didn't believe Weinstein was capable of the violent crimes of which he's been accused.

The prosecution rested their case before lunch Thursday morning having called 28 witnesses over 12 days of testimony. Importantly, across those 12 days, the court heard graphic and emotional testimony from six women who attest that Harvey Weinstein sexually assaulted and/or raped them.

My Two Cents: Anyone who says 'if it had been my daughter, I would have wanted to beat the shit out of you,' knows something is very off. The daughter test is always revealing and instructive.

It's great Weinstein has a mate and all but I fail to see how his testimony, as Harvey's mate, is relevant other than to let the court know that Weinstein, who was married at the time, at the very least treated women abysmally and has a power and control issue and at the very worst end of the spectrum, is a prolific serial rapist.

Just because you didn't see Weinstein abuse and sexually assault women, Mr Feldsher, it doesn't make it so.

For previous coverage click here


False Memory Expert Testified For The Defence


The Court Heard Further Evidence of Harvey Weinstein's Deformed Genitals