Convicted Rapist Harvey Weinstein Is Facing Up To 29 Years In Prison

Convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein is facing up to 29 years in prison and is currently being housed in a private suite in Bellevue Hospital after claiming he had palpitations following Judge Burke's decision to remand him into custody.

Weinstein was convicted in a Manhattan court on Monday of rape and a criminal sex act.

According to the New York Post prison officials fear another "Epstein incident" and they are taking the necessary precautions.

Weinstein is being supervised constantly and the hospital wing has been shut down to accommodate their high profile prisoner.

The intention was to move Weinstein to Rikers Island. However, prison officials are apparently now discussing all options including a jail in Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester or even as far away as Albany.

Wherever Weinstein lands, he will have a cell on his own and be constantly monitored and supervised due to the Epstein effect.

Weinstein was stunned when Judge Burke ordered him to be taken into custody, and as 15 court officials moved towards him to handcuff him, Weinstein could be heard muttering "I'm innocent. I'm innocent. I''m innocent. How can this happen in America?'

Weinstein also hired a “prison consultant’’ to help prepare him for his time behind bars.

Weinstein's defence team are preparing their appeal, which may take up to two years. They can only appeal against the offences he was convicted of.

Meanwhile, in Los Angeles prosecutors are ready and are definitely proceeding. The Los Angeles trial will start in two months.

Weinstein has been charged with forcible rape, forcible oral copulation, sexual penetration by use of force and sexual battery by restraint. There are  two incidents that allegedly occurred within a two-day period and the charges carry a potential 28-year prison sentence.

My Two Cents: Weinstein hired a prison consultant and so he must have had an idea there was every possibility that he would be remanded, if he were found guilty. And who does that? Hires a prison consultant? Where does one go to hire such a person?

I guess it's the same as an insurance policy that pays out if you rape and sexually assault women or a private medical facility for a convicted rapist.

It highlights what an entitled, privileged narcissist Weinstein is and I would imagine he would score highly on the Psychopathy Checklist.

It's not over for Weinstein by a long stretch.In two months time, he will be flown to Los Angeles for the start of his LA trial and we will start all over again.

I am looking forward to him being held to account in the town where he made his name. Finally, it's all coming home to roost for convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein.

In my opinion, the truth will always out - eventually.

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Harvey Weinstein Guilty And Remanded Into Custody