Harvey Weinstein Guilty And Remanded Into Custody

Harvey Weinstein has been found guilty and has been remanded into custody today.

Weinstein was found guilty of Count 2 Criminal Sexual Act In The First Degree which pertains to Miriam Haley and Count 5 Rape In The Third Degree which pertains to the anonymous victim.

After hearing legal arguments from both sides, Judge James Burke decided to remand Weinstein into custody on the basis that these are serious charges that he has been found guilty of and that he is a flight risk.

Sentencing will be on March 11 2020. Count 2 carries between 5-25 years and Count 5 up to 4 years probation. 

My Two Cents: This is good news for survivors everywhere. I think the case further highlights how poorly women are treated in the criminal justice system.

I believe it's time for specialist violence against women courts where sexual assault, domestic violence and stalking cases can be heard before ticketed judges, with specialist lawyers and victim advocates in court. The time is now. Women deserve better.

And it is right that Weinstein is remanded. What other serial rapist would be allowed to walk the streets before and during a trial for predatory sexual assault charges? It's amazing that he could come and go up until this point and shows the power of a rich, white man.

I know many people are disappointed with the not guilty verdicts on the predatory sexual assault charges. I was too. It makes no logical sense to find him guilty of raping two separate victims and not see his behaviour as anything other than predatory.

The good news is that I would expect Weinstein's sentence to be upwards of 10 years and the sentences can run consecutively.

And then there's the LA trial to follow where Weinstein faces four more charges. There's a possible 28 years if he is found guilty and the prosecutors are ready! It's not over yet.

We must remember that up until this point Harvey Weinstein has not been held accountable for anything in his life. Weinstein said he was untouchable - and Lady Justice decided otherwise.

So too did the women who were brave enough to get us to this place; the brave women who went through this harrowing process to protect other women.

I salute your courage and mental fortitude Miriam Hayley, Anonymous victim, Dawn Dunning, Annabella Sciorra, Tarale Wulff and Lauren Young.

And to the journalists who gave these courageous women a platform and amplified their voices, I doff my cap to each and every one of you: Jodie Kantor; Megan Twohey; Ronan Farrow, and; Rich McHugh.

Of course, his defence team are appealing.

But today we celebrate this victory for women everywhere.

For previous coverage click here


Convicted Rapist Harvey Weinstein Is Facing Up To 29 Years In Prison


Harvey Weinstein Trial