Hollywood reporter 'Missing Piece of the Puzzle'

Back in late December 1996 all eyes were on the horrific murder of 6 year old beauty queen JonBenét Ramsey.

In addition to the media storm that erupted around her homicide, the long running investigation into her death drew a slew of detectives, prosecutors, forensic specialists and member of the FBI.

However, as The Hollywood Reporter's exclusive video shows, there was one person missing, the first time around, an expert that they should have had back in 1996, that they didn't have up - until now. This video reveals that missing piece.

Step Inside CBS's full size replica of the room where JonBenét Ramsey died.

On September 18 CBS will debut the first episode of our show 'The Case of: JonBenét Ramsey'. Jim Clemente and and I assembled a team of world renowned experts to re-investigate this high profile and complex case. We wanted to find the truth and close this case so that JonBenét can finally rest in peace.

One of our greatest assets was re-creating full size replica rooms from the Ramsey house, which helped us crack the case once and for all. A picture paints a thousand words, going to scene paints a million.


New Stalking Law to be Debated


Our Campaign To Increase The Sentence For Stalkers From Five To Ten Years