New Stalking Law to be Debated

Stalking should be recognised as a serious crime in Northern Ireland to prevent Murders In Slow Motion

12 September 2016

We have been campaigning for a stalking law in Northern Ireland. Following our successful All Party Parliamentary Stalking Law Reform Campaign in England and Wales, a new stalking law was introduced in November 2012. Scotland introduced a stalking law in 2010 as a result of Ann Moulds’ campaign following her terrifying stalking ordeal. Northern Ireland must follow suit if victims are to be better protected.

Finally, and thanks to Counsellor Peter Martin and Brenda Hale MLA, a stalking motion will be introduced to the Northern Ireland Assembly on Monday 12 September:

‘That this Assembly notes with concern that for too long stalking has remained a hidden crime, which is not only insidious and terrifying, but that can result in psychological harm, and in the most serious cases, murder; and calls on the Minster of Justice to examine whether the introduction of new legislation to protect and safeguard victims of stalking is needed in Northern Ireland”

For too long stalking has remained a hidden crime and our evidence and cases show that too often victims are let down by the criminal justice system. As a result they are further victimised and some cases have escalated to rape and murder. This needs to change. It’s time for the legislative framework to catch up and recognise and name stalking as a crime in its own right. This is about murder prevention.




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